Japanese tourist reflects on transformative journey she had in India, shares her wholesome experience

Japanese tourist Tapi took to Instagram to share about her experiences in India. Her video has gone viral.
Numerous people travel to gain experiences from around the world, meet new people, and delve into new cultures and heritage. While experiencing these changes, one might also realise a thing or two about themselves. Something similar happened with a Japanese tourist, Tapi, who was travelling in India.
Tapi took to Instagram to share about her experiences in India. She says that, “India is one of the most chaotic countries”. She further says how certain stereotypes about the place did not stand true while she was travelling.
“I stayed with Indians who are rich in emotions. I realised I was expressing my feelings more openly. In addition to the joy and sorrows, I even expressed the anger I’d been hiding,” Tapi shares in the clip.